Hi, I'm Gwen!
Your local, independent, certified yoga teacher in Nokesville, VA.
I learned and practiced yoga at Satchidananda Ashram — Yogaville in Buckingham, VA while I lived and served on their organic vegetable farm. I started Alternative Energy Hatha in my hometown to bring the light of yoga to people in my community!
My yoga classes focus on foundational postures and breath work. They are suitable for all ages and stages of practice! My mission is to help others find grace through this discipline and tap in to their own unlimited energy source.
I offer classes at local community venues as well as in-home instruction. Sign up below for one of my local venue classes, or scroll down to see what else I offer! Click on my contact info at the bottom of the page if you would like to learn more or to schedule a service or event.
Individual in-home yoga classes to focus your mind and relax your body. (90 minutes)
Let me come to you — you don’t even have to change out of your pajamas!
girl’s night
Your turn to host girl's night? Break up the book club routine and do a yoga class instead!
60-minute class for small groups (8 yogis max)
Includes postures, deep relaxation with guided meditation, and breathing practices.
Birthday Parties
Yoga from a young age can help teach kids the importance of taking a big deep breath, following instructions, and how to listen to their bodies.
See details on the right to learn more about what is available for each age group.
For ages 4-6 (1 hour)
20 minutes of yoga poses, 5-minute meditation (sit still practice), and 35 minutes of storytime
Additional activity:
Coloring mandalas -- color in beautiful geometric shapes and figures
making paper birds -- tear strips of construction paper into shapes and glue them together to create fantastic colorful birds!
For ages 6-10 (1 hour)
25 minutes of yoga poses, 10-minute meditation (guided exploration of one's own imagination), and 25 minutes of storytime
Additional activity: Coloring mandalas -- color in beautiful geometric shapes and figures Laugha yoga -- Play games and make each other laugh until you fall down, find your breath, and start again! Use laughter to promote energetic release leading into gentle mindful breathing.
For ages 11-14 (1 hour)
30 minutes of yoga poses, 15 minutes of meditation (guided relaxation), 5 minutes of breathing practices to relieve stress, 10 minutes Q&A about the wider world of yoga.
Additional activity:
Laugha yoga -- Play games and make each other laugh until you fall down, find your breath, and start again! Use laughter to promote energetic release leading into gentle mindful breathing. Collective sound experiment -- tune in to your group and create sounds of humming, singing, and laughing together. Feel how the energy moves and changes throughout the experiment, from chaotic to serene and back again. Learn how to collaborate together to create something silly and beautiful.